Grains & Fodder
Entry is FREE
Entries Close: : Monday two weeks prior to Show Day
Exhibits to be staged: Friday prior to Show Day by 12pm
Exhibits must be collected between 4pm and 5pm on Show Day.
All exhibits to be prepared from produce grown by the exhibitor or their family this season.
Grain exhibits will be judged on:
• Weight – 15 points
• Protein – 20 points
• Screenings – 15 points
• Freedom from disease – 10 points
• Type, uniformity and appearance – 10 points
• Freedom from foreign matter – 10 points
• Freedom from harvest injury – 10 points
• Freedom from weeds – 10 points
All varieties must be named
Grain – 3kg minimum commercial samples
(To be collected by farmer or convenor)
1. Milling oats
2. Feed oats
3. Malting barley
4. Feed barley
5. Wheat – APW
6. Canola
7. Lupins
8. Beans – faba
Bull Bros Best Grain Exhibit (Classes 1-8)
Certified Seed – 3kg minimum samples
Certification ticket and copy of testing certificate to accompany entry
9. Sub-clover
10. Aerial seeding clover – balansa, persian, white etc
11. Lucerne
Bull Bros Best Seed Exhibit (Classes 9-11)
Standing Crops – entries to have roots attached
12. Bundle of green oats for milling
13. Bundle of green oats for hay
14. Bundle of green barley
15. Bundle of green canola
16. Bundle of green wheat
17. Bundle of green triticale
18. Bundle of green beans
19. Bundle of green lupins
20. Sod – sub clover
21. Sod – aerial clover (balansa, persian, white etc)
22. Sod – lucerne
23. Sod of mixed pasture with less than 15cm growth
24. Tallest non-invasive weed
Bull Bros Best Standing Crop Exhibit (Classes 12-23)
Champion Grains & Fodder Exhibit
Sponsored by My Tax Accountant
Reserve Champion Grains & Fodder Exhibit
(Classes 1-23) Sponsored by Bull Bros